
Regulations Governing Leave of Absence, Thesis Defense, PhD Proficiency Exam and PhD Monitoring Committee During 2019-2020 Spring Semester Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic

Based on the document dated 31.03.2020 by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) regarding the undergraduate and graduate degree programs, the following regulations that are to be applied for only the 2019-2020 Academic Year Spring Semester are adopted:


1) Leave of Absence

a) Students who have already been granted the leave of absence for two times can also request the leave of absence for 2019-2020 Spring Semester.

b) For students who have been granted the leave of absence less than two times in previous semesters, there will be no change in the number of leave of absence rights when they request the leave of absence for 2019-2020 Academic Year Spring Semester.

c) If the student is in the course stage, she/he can submit her/his leave of absence request directly to the Institute (Permission Req FORM FBE-09; http://fbe.cankaya.edu.tr/formlar/).

d) If the student is in the thesis stage, leave of absence requests will be evaluated in detail firstly by her/his thesis advisors. Student will send her/his request (using the form Permission Req FORM FBE-09; http://fbe.cankaya.edu.tr/formlar/) to Department Chair. The advisor evaluates appropriateness of the request (approves or disapproves); then, the Department chair relays the request to the Institute Directorate by “EBYS”.

e) The student, who has finished six academic semesters in Master’s program with a thesis at the end of 2019-2020 Academic Year Fall Semester and has been granted an additional three months to complete her/his thesis work, cannot request for leave of absence. According to the decision 2.b of Council of Higher Education, additional two weeks will be granted for thesis defense upon request to such students.

2-Thesis Defense, PhD Proficiency Exam and PhD Monitoring Committee

Thesis defense, PhD oral proficiency exam and Thesis Monitoring Committee meetings can be held via video conferencing:

a) If video conferencing is preferred, the date of defense/meeting/oral exam should be sent to Institute beforehand.

b) If thesis jury/monitoring committee/proficiency exam jury decides to use Institute’s video conferencing tools, the thesis defense/meeting/oral exam should be recorded by the Institute. The student should provide 2 blank CDs to the Institute in advance.

c) If thesis jury/monitoring committee/proficiency exam jury decides to use their own video conferencing tools, defense/meeting/oral exam can be recorded by the jury and two copies of the recording on CDs should be delivered to Department chair.

d) Discussion of the jury on the thesis approval/revision/refusal should be made without the participation of the student to video conferencing. Jury discussion section of the defense may or may not be recorded depending on the jury’ choice.

e) Thesis defense/monitoring form/proficiency exam evaluation form is prepared electronically by the chair of the jury and one filled copy of the form is sent to each member by e-mail. Each jury member signs the form and sends the scanned copy/picture of signed form to the Department Chair by e-mail. After signing each form, the Department chair relays the forms of all the members to the Institute Directorate by “EBYS”. The original copy of the signed forms should be posted to Institute Directorate by each jury member as well.

f) PhD Proficiency Written/Oral Exam can be conducted via video conferencing tools/Webonline platform.